Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Monday, November 21, 2016

Extending BASIC

Good article from Your Spectrum magazine (1984) regarding methods of extending ZX Spectrum BASIC.

Emulator for ZX Spectrum development

ZXSpin v0.7q - good emulator with good debugger and assembler.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Interface 1bis file not found error

Purchased Interface 1 bis for the ZX Spectrum. 
There are plenty information about it and installing and preparing SD card on manufacturers site 
But I have encountered a problem - could not start it and was allways getting "file not found" error.
Did all steps described in troubleshooting video 
Loaded OpSys from PC using LOAD command, program loads OK. But when I do NEW and then RUN I get "file not found" error. 
Solution I found was that I had to repeat all prepare SD card steps, but additionally had to add comparability with Windows 8 (and run as administrator off course) option (I was running Windows 10) to LDCSetup.exe and later to the 'Prepare new card' utility.

So, In short - add Windows 8 compatibility to Interface 1 bis utilities.

Some links for ZX Assemlby programming

Making games in ZX Spectrum assembly book ( russian lang.):

How to write ZX Spectrum games tutorial in English:

Spectrum ROM routines:

Z80 instruction set:

Group in FB dedicated for Z80 assembly programming:

WOS forum link:

Another forum (ru):

Some more books (ru):